Travels in Turkey

After a few days of being hardcore design commandos today was a leisurely day of sunlight, sketching,and scenic views. Because yesterday was incredibly foggy, we were not able to take the ferry up the Bosporus as we originally had intended, so instead, today was the day!

The day began early, with an 8:15am start. We tried to grab the usual FB1 or FB2 bus that stops right in front of our pension in order to make the 10:30am ferry up the Bosporus, however we missed it! Instead we attempted to walk to the main drag to catch another bus. We pretty much look like peppy tourists everywhere we go, and in this case we were clearly lost. Luckily, a very nice gentleman who was riding his bike past us, did a double take to point us in the right direction. Instead of the bus, he suggested we hopped on one of the yellow taxi vans that pick up people on the side of the road. This was a new, but not very difficult experience. It was easy enough to find space for all of us in these vans and it went directly to the ferry stop.

We got there just in time to run onto the ferry. As usual it was a tranquil and relaxing trip; we sipped on tea, and basked in the reality of being in Istanbul.

[It is interesting that overall it seems that the Turkish are a very relaxed people. They sip their tea slowly in cafes, sit around in groups smoking nargiles, and enjoy the leisurely game of backgammon. Yet,for some reason, when it comes to the ferry, they are extremely pushy. And the amusing part is that on every ferry there are probably over 300 seats, and plenty of standing room. The crowds accumulate when the boat hasn't even arrived yet!]

When we arrived at the ferry dock Sebastian and Eric (our pals from back at UC) were there to meet us. As a group we hopped on the Bogaz Turlan Bosporus Cruise headed on a 1.5hr boat trip towards Anadolu Kavagi.  Anadolu Kavagi looks rather cute and peaceful with its two storey houses and a square covered with cobblestone paving. It is flocked with fish restaurants and ice cream stands!  This is also the location of Yoros Castle, a byzantine castle built on a beautiful hillside. That of course meant we needed to climb all the way to the top of the mountain. While for some, it may have been a treacherous journey to the top, we made the climb look easy with our eagerness and supersonic sexy legs.

Unfortunately, when we finally made it, the castle was closed and we were not able to explore the ancient castle and fortification. Nonetheless, the vistas were beautiful and we have a relaxing and delicious seafood lunch at the top overlooking the Bosporus with Istanbul in the background.

By the time we landed back at harbour it was 3:30pm, but the last cruise back to Istanbul wasn't until 5:00pm. As usual we used the opportunity in this small village to sketch, and maybe eat a little ice cream and tasty fried dough balls. The time passed quickly and soon enough we were back on the Bosporus enjoying the beautiful horizons.

One of my greatest pleasures in riding public transit while traveling is people watching. That said, it is even more exciting to actually meet and talk with others. This time we met a group of travelers from Australia who were on a 7 week car journey from Turkey to Israel by land! The best part was that they were a  group of friends who have known each other for decades and were finally able to take their first trip together!

Before we knew it we had landed back in Istanbul. From there we headed east
towards Karakoy where we meandered through the local markets and picked up some food for dinner. We finished off with the usual short bus ride back to the pension and quick stop at the grocer down the street for the local Efes beer. Our day of leisure ended with all of us gathered up on the roof terrace overlooking the Bosporus picnicking on our Turkish goodies!