Fountain Park

St. Louis Missouri

Core Architecture Studio Washington University in St. Louis Spring Autumn 2013

Fountain park is situated on a forgotten vacant lot in North St. Louis.  Proposed is an alternative to unkept grass: a park to experience the rainfall in such a way that it is appreciated. Water run-off is collected, pooled, and distributed along the site through a series of folly-like interventions within which the user is both protected and exposed during a rainfall event.  The result is the poetics of movement between visitors and  rainfall. This project explores the narrative of what it means to be caught in the rain and the perceptual experiences that water can give us. Instead of hiding from the wetness of rainfall,this park leads you to shelter, it allows you to embrace the beauty in the rain;  the gentle sound as the water falls or the way water is captured into puddles that reflections its surroundings.